This official Waltham Internet Website is published by WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY SA, a limited company registered in the register of the Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland with the Registration Number CH-645-1002749-4 and with its office address (Route de Bellevue, 7 - 2704 Marin-Epagnier - Switzerland).
All intellectual property rights (images, photographs, icons, illustrations, texts, videos, commercial brand names, service names, design, product trademarks, the “Extraordinary Men” definition, the “Angular Design” name, “The Talent of Seeing Things from a Different Angle” definition, copyrights, ...) are reserved. The entire Website and its contents are protected by intellectual property rights or by any other law and are the exclusive property of WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY SA
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WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY SA reserves the right to correct the contents of its Website at any time without prior notice. It ensures the accuracy and up-to-date information provided; nevertheless it cannot guarantee the total accuracy of the information published on this Website, declining responsibilities specifically for the occurrence of any computer bugs and for any damages of whatever causes resulting from the fraudulent intervention of a third party or resulting from malfunctioning (including wrong information display, loss of data, impossibility to access to the website and its protected sections).

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